Food & Culture

Telling stories of Small Businesses

Restaurants and cafes are small businesses, they require a lot of effort and soul to launch and operate. This marketing campaign is designed to tell the stories of these small business, and the food they make while highlighting how Uber Eats is a platform that benefits them.

What The World Eats is a Facebook marketing campaign made to target a hyper-localized audience with 90-second videos as well as 20-seconds and 6-second cuts designed to run as Facebook and instagram ad campaigns.

21 videos were created around the world, some of these were in different languages. As the executive creator, I envisioned these videos, shot them and edited them. This includes revising the scripts and making changes as I saw fit along with the copy-writer of the project.

FuLu Mandarijn - Amsterdam

Diplomata - Porto

Gushi - Toronto

Cajun & Soul - Houston

Example of a 20s Video