Head of Content @ Mid-Day Squares

The power of storytelling is the art of humanizing a business. With telling the story of entrepreneurship and creating a "reality show" on Instagram, I helped shape and build the Mid-Day Squares brand and online community, and create loyalty as well as an emotional connection to the product.

I worked closely with the CEO and co-founder, Lezlie Karls, in curating this reality show that demonstrates what it takes to build a chocolate empire. This includes behind the scenes at the office, and within the founders' personal lives.

It's All In The Edit

The editing is where the story comes to life. The most important part of my job was to collect and organize terabytes of footage taken over 3 years and from multiple cameras and phones and to create a workflow that allows for an extremely efficient & fast turnaround of videos. On Average, 3 videos were made per week.

Notable videos:

The Founders

This video introduces the 3 main characters in the show: Lezlie (sister, wife, & CEO), Nick (husband & COO) and Jake (brother & Chief of Customer). This video gives a little peak into their lives and personalities and makes them relatable to the audience.

The Product

A fast pace video highlighting the product. All editing and animations were done by me. I took already existing photos (not taken by me), and used them for animations.

2021 End of Year Video

Going through and selecting footage from an entire year and narrowing it down to a 5-minute video is no easy task. Guided with a tight script, this edit is fast-paced and to the point.

Flavour Launch Campaign

The Founding Story

If you have a good story, is it a good story if no one knows about it? This video narrows down 3 years worth of footage into 3-minutes.

BTS of Pitching to Ellen DeGeneres

The founders wanted to get, not only their product, but also themselves on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. To do so, they re-created Ellen's Oscar trailer but with 1/100s of the budget. This video shows the Behind the Scenes of making this campaign happen.

Sourcing Ingredients in Peru - a 2 Part Series

These 2 videos are a little different from the above. When Lezlie (CEO), found out that they will not be getting their regular shipment of Sacha Inchi, she had to go to Peru to source this ingredient. It's important to learn the complete story of how a product gets to the end-consumer's mouth. To share that story with the Mid-Day Squares community, I tagged along this adventure to capture a snippet of the lives of the people responsible for 2 ingredients in the Mid-Day Squares product.